Sunday, July 8, 2012

Renovation Week 9

Nini's bedroom (to the left of the stairs when looking down).

2nd floor bathroom (in between Nini's room and the closet for the master bedroom).

Walk-in closet for the master bedroom.

View of the master bedroom through the future doorway.

The boys walk-in closet (with pocket door hardware in box on the floor).

View into the boys bedroom (opening on right) and the small landing at the top of the stairs (on the left).

Small linen closet just to the left at the top of the stairs.

A different look up the stairs.

A different look down the stairs.

Things are going well.  Steve has finished 90% of the framing and will be done with the remaining framing early on Monday.  The windows and tub are delivered on Monday, and Steve will start installing the windows on the first floor as soon as they arrive.  I spent some time at the house today cleaning up and getting things ready for Steve to hit the ground running on Monday.  After the electrical and plumbing inspection, the insulators will be in to do their thing, then the sheetrockers.  We'll be painting before we know it.

Oh, and we got some rain tonight.  Things are looking up!!! 

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