Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tinkertoy Week and Zach w/Apple Sideburns

It's been one of those weeks. The tinkertoys have been everywhere, and everyone has really gotten into the whole design-build craze. Kaz seems to have quite the gift.

In addition, Zach has been experimenting with what foods stick, and what foods don't stick, to various parts of his head. He's had success with bananas (of course) and apple slices (shown here). We had to stop him tonight from putting frozen blueberries in his hair. He's also very curious about what objects will fit into his ears (no pictures yet).


John, Terri, Addie and Inara said...

the apple sideburns...pardon my french--they are fucking bitchin!!

Greg/Lori said...

Go Kaz, go. Love your designs!

And Zach--try mac and cheese up the nose.

Uncle Greg