Nini has done a good job accepting the central nebulizer as she continues to recover from RSV. She still has a rough cough, but most of the other symptoms seem to have disappeared.
Kaz hasn't had a chance to use his newest water toy--a shark mask, shark gloves, and shark flippers (thanks Tucker)--but he should use it this week when he starts camp. Both Max and Kaz are quite excited. It should be a fun summer.
Nini started eating rice cereal and vegetables about three weeks ago, and she's turned into quite the good eater. Max is quite happy about her ability to eat. She's also taken a fancy to one of Kaz's green balls.
The rains stopped long enough for us to jump on the train and head to Forest Park for lunch at the Missouri History Museum and fun at one of the better playgrounds in the Park. Nini spent most of the time asleep, which is what Chris would have liked to have been doing.
Our peonies are at their height of color and fragrance. The ants haven't gotten to them yet, because the torrential rains have, hopefully, drowned several billion of them. We were able to pick a few of them before the ants returned, though.
We had a good time at Kaz's school picnic on Saturday. Kaz, Max, and Zach shot hockey pucks, threw footballs, kicked giant balls, and played tug of war.