Nini's first doctor's appointment went well, and her second day home was good. She weighed in at the doctor's office at 4 lbs. 11 oz. Next stop, 5 lbs!
What a great day! Nini came home and Gram and Pappa stopped by for a visit. The boys were ecstatic to have their sister home. Max even held her with a little help from Terri. So far so good. She sees the pediatrician tomorrow.
While we're glad Nini is coming home we're sad that we won't see the wonderful nurses in the Children's Hospital NICU anymore. Natasha helped us get Nini's things together and went over all the discharge instructions. I wanted her to come home with us, too.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Are these yet more baby pictures of Nini? Yes! But these are the first ones we have without some kind of tube attached to her face.
She is taking the bottle well and is 4+ lbs.
We are finally finishing some work in the bathroom, thanks to our good friend Rich. In preparation, Chris attempts to remove some 2x4s aroung the tub. He has help.
The Pulliam genetic predisposition for caving is showing.
That pesky front baby tooth has finally come out, and Kaz has a brand new smile.
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Nini has been moved out of the isolette and into a crib.
I stopped by the NICU tonight while Terri stayed home with the boys. I got there right at the end of the bottle. Like father like daughter. Nini continues to make great strides, and all the nurses just love her. Nini and I had a good time just hanging out for about an hour.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Nini now weighs 3 lbs 11 oz!!!
Gram and Papa came for a visit and met Nini.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
It's just not Christmas until James Brown makes his entrance...
We finished trimming the Christmas tree.
I've gained 3 ounces!
Thanks to the folks at Touchpoint Autism Services we had milk and cookies with Santa!!! Touchpoint is a great organization and has helped our family tremendously. You can check them out yourself at We had a lot of fun, although Zach was a bit overwhelmed to meet the big guy.